[Hackrf-dev] sweep capabilities

Michael Ossmann mike at ossmann.com
Thu May 25 11:45:57 EDT 2017

On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 03:58:51PM +0800, RizThon wrote:
> What can I expect exactly from a performance point of view? I've read
> "sweep rate of 8 GHz per second" so does that mean that to scan
> 100MHz, it'll take 100M/8G=1/80s to scan? It should depend on the
> capture time and tuning time, but maybe it's taken into account in the
> 8GHz/s?

That is correct.  You'll get 80 sweeps per second across 100 MHz.  (In a test I
just ran for verification, I had 81.37 sweeps per second.)

> What kind of computer does one need to run something like hackrf_sweep
> than returns the FFT, with a resolution of 100kHz ie 10 bins per MHz?

With 100 kHz bin width, my test used 20% of one core of this CPU:

model name      : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz
bogomips        : 5427.48

Bin width is the main thing that affects CPU utilization.


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