[Hackrf-dev] Question about GNU radio

Dominic Spill dominicgs at gmail.com
Fri May 13 11:34:04 EDT 2016

On 13 May 2016 at 14:02, Erica Hellberg <erihe069 at student.liu.se> wrote:
> We are studying at Linköping University in Sweden and are now doing a
project about “Positioning with radiobased fingerprinting”

This sounds interesting, I'm sure others on this list would be interesting
in hearing about the project as it progresses.

> First we wonder how we can save the data from the FFT plot to a file on
our computers and later use this file in MATLAB. Are there any blocks to
use to make it work?

You can save the raw data to file using a file sink block and later perform
the FFT in Matlab.  Alternatively you can use the FFT block (under Filters
> FFT) and save the output to file.  I have never used the standalone FFT
block, so I can't offer advice on how it is used.

> Then we also wonder how to get the exact value and information of a peak
in the plot. When you have the pointer at the peak you can see a value but
it is not certain that it is the correct value. See figure below.

I think the attachment was removed by the mailing list system, but I would
suggest that by capturing the data and performing the FFT in Matlab, you
will have the exact values for the FFT output and can calculate the peaks
from that.

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