[CharterSchools] Lusher Boys Varsity Swimming Team wins state championship

charterschools at LACharter.org charterschools at LACharter.org
Fri Nov 21 15:38:52 EST 2014



(photo provided by Lusher)

Lusher's boys swim team competed in the Division III and Division IV state swimming championship on November 20 in Sulphur, LA and won the 2014 state championship! In a tense head-to-head with E.D. White, the Sea Lions edged out the Cardinals 326 to 320.Coaches Mert Saygin and Katherine Archer led the championship teams.

From the Times-Picayune:

The drive to the title was aided by Dean Rhodies, who won the 100-Yard breaststroke and was part of the winning 200-yard freestyle relay team which also included Noah Balbon, Jonathan Wilkins, and Ryan Jones.

From the Advocate:

“After we finished third last year, we knew this was possible,” Archer said. “We had a lot of seniors moving up and realized this was the year for us to possibly win it.
“The relays were vital. We had a couple of disqualifications on relay takeoffs in the past. Our motto was ‘Fast but safe.’ We knew E.D. White has some excellent relays and we thought it might come down to the last relay, and it did. We figured we could finish fourth and still win, but we got second.”

A huge congratulations to the Lusher Boys Varsity Swimming Team!


The Brylski Company
(504) 897-6110
3418 Coliseum Street
New Orleans, Louisiana 70115
Cheron Brylski • Heather Harper • Devin Johnson

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