[CharterSchools] Since this is such an impt. meeting, should it go on Charter Blog? RSDigest - BESE Meeting December 2-3, 2014
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Wed Nov 26 15:21:16 EST 2014
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This email is created by Ken Ducote and Rose Drill-Peterson on behalf of the Eastbank Collaborative of Charter Schools and is not an official correspondence from the RSD, BESE, nor any other state agency
Dear Rose,
The Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education will hold its monthly Committee Meetings on Tuesday, December 2, and its Board Meeting on Wednesday, December 3, as shown below.
All meetings will be held in the Claiborne Building, Room 1-100, The Louisiana Purchase Room, 1201 N. Third Street, Baton Rouge, 70802. Meetings may be convened up to 30 minutes prior to their posted times in order to facilitate the orderly flow of business.
The public's best opportunity for participation in discussion about agenda items is usually through the Committee meetings. To review agenda items and related back-up materials, click on items of interest as shown. RSD has summarized each agenda item below.
***This email is created by Ken Ducote and Rose Drill-Peterson on behalf of the Eastbank Collaborative of Charter Schools and is not an official correspondence from the RSD, BESE, nor any other state agency***
Educator Effectiveness Committee - 9:00 a.m.
2013-2014 Teacher Exit and Attrition Report
Teacher Education Program at Tulane University - Latin
LSU - Alexandria - request to delay accreditation visit
Revisions to Bulletin 746, Louisiana Standards for State Certification of School Personnel, to reflect new Praxis Elementary Content exams
Eight due process cases of teacher certification
School Innovation and Turnaround Committee - 10:00 a.m.
MOU with Milestones for 2014-2015
2015 Common Charter application
2015 RFA timeline for Types 2, 4, and 5 charters
2015 Local District Application timeline
Type 2 charter application - LA Charter Foundation for Rapides and Terrebonne Parishes
Type 2 charter application - LA Delta Empowerment Group for East Carroll Parish
BESE-authorized charter extensions and renewals
Academic Goals and Instructional Improvement Committee - 12:30 p.m.
Annual Nonpublic Classifications Report
LEA policy waiver requests
Foreign languages
Three-year age span requirement
LEA waiver requests regarding IDEA
Tangipahoa Parish SB
Terrebonne Parish SB
LEA waiver requests regarding accountability system
Spring 2015 assessments for grades 3 through 8
Report regarding ACT and AP participation and scores
BESE-approved Disciplinary Hearing Officers list
Approval of TOPS-Tech Early Head Start Training providers
Course Choice Program providers for 2015-2016
Fall 2014 Reading Report
Special Education Advisory Panel
Early Childhood Advisory Council
October 2014
November 2014
Accountability Commission
Policy Revisions
Bulletin 741 regarding TOPS honors course standards
Bulletin 1530 regarding IEP LAA 1 participation criteria
Bulletin 137 regarding Early Learning Center licensing regulations
Bulletin 111 regarding calculating the graduation index
Bulletin 118 regarding assessment options for limited English proficient students
Administration and Finance Committee - 2:30 p.m.
8(g) block grant projects FY 2014-2015
LDE contracts < $50,000
8(g) expenditures and budget balances for FY 2014-2015
MFP formula - 70 % requirement
8(g) reports for state-wide programs
New Schools Incubation
Educator Preparation Pilot Program
Federal/State grants to LEAs, Types 2 and 5 charters, non-public schools and community-based organizations
LDE contracts > $ 50,000
Fiscal Dialogues / Fiscal Risk Assessment Processes
RSD contracts > $ 50,000
Status of RSD capital Projects
BESE budget
MFP Task Force reports
October 2014
November 2014
BESE Meeting - 9:00 a.m.
Election of BESE Officers for 2015
Committee Reports
Nonpublic School Council
Superintendent's Advisory Council report
OPSB request to BESE and RSD to cease creating new public schools in Orleans Parish
Resolution from St. Tammany PSB regarding Common Core
New course offerings for LA School for Math, Science and the Arts
Appointment of BESE Executive Director
Executive Session on litigation
This service is made possible by support from Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools and funding from the Robert Reily Family Trust and the Smith/Cooper Foundation
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