[CharterSchools] FIRSTLINE SCHOOLS’ EDIBLE SCHOOLYARD gets $150,000 grant
charterschools at LACharter.org
charterschools at LACharter.org
Fri Nov 21 12:33:49 EST 2014
November18, 2014 Claudia Barker, 504-296-7377
Part of $10 Million toImprove Fresh Food Access and Nutrition Education
NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA – Edible Schoolyard New Orleans,a signature program of FirstLine Schools, Inc., has been awarded a two-year $150,000grant from Newman’s Own Foundation, the independent foundation created by thelate actor and philanthropist, Paul Newman. The award to Edible Schoolyard NewOrleans, also known as ESYNOLA, was made by Newman’s Own Foundation as part ofits $10 million commitment over three years to improve fresh food access andnutrition education for underserved communities.
The grant to ESYNOLA will beused to bolster FirstLine Schools’ comprehensive “Whole Child Wellness”initiative, through comprehensivefood and nutrition education classes and special family and community eventsthat focus on good food access and consumption across five public charterschools.
“We are deeply grateful to Newman’sOwn Foundation for this generous support, which will enable Edible SchoolyardNew Orleans to expand its reach across our network of five schools, providingmore children and families with access to fresh foods, and helping to encouragehealthy lifestyle choices,” said Claudia Barker, Executive Director of EdibleSchoolyard New Orleans.
FirstLine’s wellness initiative isdistinguished by its fully-integrated Louisiana education standards-basedgarden-science and nutrition-centered cooking curricula, strategic staffingmodel of low student-to-teacher ratios in “edible” interactive classes, and emphasison developing students’ sensory and motor skills. ESYNOLA contributes to “whole child wellness” by guidingchildren to food that heals them, ultimately setting children up for success inschool, careers and their lives.
“There are so many challenges toimproving nutrition access and education, especially for those who are mostdisadvantaged,” said Lisa Walker, Managing Director, Newman’s Own Foundation. “Weare excited to help FirstLine Schools’ Edible Schoolyard New Orleans and manyother nonprofits across the country make an impact in improving nutrition inurban and rural communities.”
For more information about Newman’sOwn Foundation nutrition grants, visit: www.newmansownfoundation.org
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The mission of FirstLine Schools is to create andinspire great open enrollment public schools in New Orleans. FirstLine currently operates Samuel L.Green Charter School, Arthur Ashe Charter School, John Dibert Community Schoolat Phillis Wheatley, Langston Hughes Academy, and Joseph S. Clark PreparatoryHigh School. For more information,please visit www.firstlineschools.org.
EdibleSchoolyard New Orleans
Edible Schoolyard New Orleans (ESYNOLA) is acomprehensive seed-to-table food education program that aims to change the waychildren eat, learn, and live at five FirstLine public charter schools. The program offers hands-on gardeningand kitchen classes that are integrated into the curriculum, culture, andcafeteria programs at the schools it serves. Founded in 2006, ESYNOLA is in its eighth year of operationand serves 3,000 students in grades pre-K through 12th grade acrossthe FirstLine Schools network. Formore information, please visit www.esynola.org.
Cheron Brylski
The Brylski Company
3418 Coliseum Street
New Orleans, Louisiana 70115
(504) 897-6110
FX (504) 897-0778
Cell (504) 460-1468
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