[CharterSchools] Air National Guard to donate flag to International School of Louisiana on Veteran's Day

charterschools at LACharter.org charterschools at LACharter.org
Mon Nov 10 11:22:43 EST 2014


Air National Guard to donate flag to International School of Louisianaon Veteran’s Day

International School of Louisiana will be presented with aspecial flag on Veteran’s Day from Josh Bravo, a member of the 159thAir National Guard. Bennet Bravo, son of Josh and ISL parent, will donate theflag to the school’s Jefferson Campus on 8101Simon St. in Metairie at 8:00am.
“We are honored to be chosen to receive this special gift,”said ISL Principal Adierah Berger. “Not only will this be a sentimental occasion,but also a learning one for our students, and a great way to honor those whohave served our country.”
The flag was flown over the Gulf Coast on November 7, whereit was wrapped and flown in a training mission. The Air National Guard thencertified the flag.
Bennet Bravo and his wife will come to the school tomorrowto donate the flag and raise it. The school will also be presented with aspecial certificate from the Air National Guard.
ISL (grades K-8) is the first multi-language immersionschool chartered by the State of Louisiana.  From their first day ofschool at ISL, students learn core academic subjects in their targetlanguage.  At ISL, children acquire a second language naturally,through everyday conversation and classroom instruction. In 2007, ISL was nameda national “Charter School of the Year” by the Center for Education Reform, theonly Louisiana charter school to receive this honor.


The Brylski Company
(504) 897-6110
3418 Coliseum Street
New Orleans, Louisiana 70115
Cheron Brylski • Heather Harper • Devin Johnson

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