[CharterSchools] Baton Rouge Charters: Nov. 12 Training
charterschools at LACharter.org
charterschools at LACharter.org
Mon Nov 10 15:28:54 EST 2014
October 27,2014 Contact: D. Johnson 504.897.6110
Baton Rouge Attorneys, Charter Board Members: LAPCS, Louisiana Appleseed to Provide Free Continuing Legal Education onCharter School Law
TheLouisiana Association of Public Charter Schools (LAPCS) and Louisiana Appleseedwill hold a training on their joint publication Louisiana Charter SchoolBoard Legal Handbook which offers free Continuing Legal Education credits.The training is open to attorneys and interested charter school advocates andboard members.
Thetraining is scheduled for Wednesday,Nov. 12, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. at the Baton Rouge law offices of Adams and Reese,Chase North Tower, 450 Laurel St., Suite 1900.
Registrationis limited to 30 participants. Attendees must register by clicking here or bycontacting Tara Richard at 504-561-7304 or trichard at appleseednetwork.org.
Whilethe informational guide is targeted specifically to charter board members,attorneys who attend the CLE will receive two credit hours towards the annual12.5 hour professional development requirement.
“Charterschool law is still a relatively new field and many local attorneys may findthis free CLE very valuable given the number of public charter schools in thestate, especially the greater New Orleans area,” said Sarah Vandergriff, LAPCSLegal Director.
“Ideally,learning more about the legal construct and requirements of charter boards willpique the interest of the attendees and inspire some to look into volunteeringas a charter governing board member.”
Presenterswill include Ms. Vandergriff and Louisiana Appleseed volunteersattorneys Lee Reid and Jennifer Barriere of Adams and Reese LLP.
Everyparticipant who attends the CLEs will receive a copy of Louisiana Charter SchoolBoard Legal Handbook, covering all the basic legal requirements of chartergoverning boards, from the fundamentals of charter school law and the governingboard’s role, to open meetings laws and code of ethics.
Copiesof the handbook have already been made available to every charter governingboard and charter school in the State of Louisiana.
“Thereis no other resource like this out there for charter board members,” saidChristy Kane, Louisiana Appleseed. “The volunteers serving on governing boardsdevote an incredible amount of time and effort to their school but many timesaren’t given legal guidance. Great intentions alone don’t make great boards.They need to be paired with a clear understanding of their role and legalrequirements. That is what this handbook intends to provide.”
TheLouisiana Charter School Board Legal Handbook was prepared incollaboration with Louisiana Appleseed; LAPCS; Alvin Miester of Sher GarnerCahill Richter Klein and Hilbert, LLC; Adams and Reese LLP; New Schools for NewOrleans; Jones Walker; Akin Gump; and Board on Track.
Thepublication was made possible through funding by The Booth-Bricker Fund; TheFrost Foundation, Ltd.; LAPCS; Pro Bono Publico Foundation; and the RosaMaryFoundation.
Anadditional training will be scheduled in North Louisiana before the end of the year.A training in New Orleans has already occurred.
The mission of the LouisianaAssociation of Public Charter Schools is to support, promote, and advocate forthe Louisiana charter school movement, increasing student access to highquality public schools statewide.
Louisiana Appleseed recruits professionals to donate probono time to solve problems at their root cause and advance social justice byeffecting change at the policy, or systemic, level. Louisiana Appleseed’sprojects seek to increase access to opportunity, education and justice.
Cheron Brylski
The Brylski Company
3418 Coliseum Street
New Orleans, Louisiana 70115
(504) 897-6110
FX (504) 897-0778
Cell (504) 460-1468
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