[CharterSchools] Lusher Charter School hosts annual soiree: ooh, la Lusher
charterschools at LACharter.org
charterschools at LACharter.org
Thu Nov 6 13:22:02 EST 2014
Lusher CharterSchool hosts annual Soiree: ooh, laLusher
What: Lusher Charter School is hostingits annual Soiree on Friday, November 14 at 8pm with a silent auction as wellas food, excellent musical entertainment, and fun at Eiffel Society! Proceedsfrom Lusher’s silent auction will help hundreds of public school children. Supporterswill also receive valuable exposure and visibility in the Lusher community.
Friday,November 14
2040St Charles Ave,
NewOrleans, LA 70130
Singletickets are $35 and couple tickets are $60.
Topurchase tickets, donate an item, or for more information, visit www.lushersoiree.com
The Brylski Company
(504) 897-6110
3418 Coliseum Street
New Orleans, Louisiana 70115
Cheron Brylski • Heather Harper • Devin Johnson
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