[Hackrf-dev] Help Installing HackRF on Ubuntu for Linux Newbie

Jerry jsternmd at att.net
Sat Jul 15 14:01:09 EDT 2017

I have my new HackRF working with GNU radio in Windows 7.  I updated the
firmware and clpd to latest I want to learn to use SDR in a Linux
environment so I installed the Ubuntu package 16.04.2 LTS onto a dedicated
HP i5 M520 Quad core laptop.  I tried to install pip then PyBOMBS to use to
install GNU radio but there are many slightly different instructions that I
encountered error messages along the way.  I wiped my drive/partition and
reinstalled Ubuntu 16.04.2 and then used the recommended approach on


$ apt-get install gnuradio 


This ran for a while installing and it seems to have installed OK.


I next queried my HackRF with


$ hackrf_info


and got a message to install it with $ apt-get install hackrf, which I did.


Now when I run $ hackrf_info I get the apparently notorious:


Found HackRF board 0

hackrf_open() failed: HACKRF_ERROR_LIBUSB (-1000)


I checked the FAQ's and ran hackrf_info as root but got same message.  I
also ran it a few times with same result, so it doesn't seem to be a
permission problem.


I read that if the install was with PyBOMBS that udev rules need updating
but I don't know if the install procedure I followed used pybombs


Any advice appreciated.


Jerry NY2KW




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