[Hackrf-dev] Pinout

Dominic Spill dominicgs at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 12:35:42 EDT 2016

On 7 September 2016 at 15:07, Kevin Maxson <Kevin at maxson.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to connect a third-party 10MHz TCXO to the HackRF and it's not
being recognized by the si5351c. I'm connecting it to P22 but maybe that's
not right.
> Can someone point me toward documentation and pinouts for P22, P20, P28
and P9?

The authoritative documentation is the schematic, which is available here:
https://github.com/mossmann/hackrf/tree/master/hardware/hackrf-one, it is
also contained in the archive for each release.

However, you may find enough information for your needs on the wiki:

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