[Hackrf-dev] The Direction of the RX LOWPASS FILTER AND RX HIGHPASS FILTER

Dominic Spill dominicgs at gmail.com
Wed Aug 10 18:12:50 EDT 2016

On 9 August 2016 at 10:15, 赵晋洪 <zhdiamond at 163.com> wrote:
> When I see the schematic, I found the U3(LP0603A1880ANTR) - RX LOWPASS
FILTER, and u8 (DEA162400HT-8004B1)- RX HIGHPASS FILTER.
> But I found that , the two filter 's have the directional input and
output port.

The filter are labelled as "in" and "out", but in reality they work in both

> The TX mode is suitable for the design, because the tx's input connects
the filter's input port. For example , the u3 's input port is the pin4,
output port is pin1.
> But the rx mode is not right. For the rx's input connects the filter 's
output port.  for example , the rx signal is from the u5's pin2  -> c18->
u3's pin1, which is for out .
> Was it right? why design like this?
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