[Hackrf-dev] HackRF-dev Digest, Vol 26, Issue 13

McDonald, J Douglas jdmcdona at illinois.edu
Fri Jan 23 09:16:28 EST 2015

But the question is, what are the gain settings used for these measurements?
How does the noise figure vary with them? This sould be done with the
LNA on.

Doug McDonald

-----Original Message-----
Sensitivity measurements

Test results for the noise figure NF of the HackRF, obtained at a 
frequency of 435MHz:

NF = 22dB               LNA=OFF
NF = 10.8dB           LNA=ON
NF =   1.1dB           LNA=ON, additional external LNA  "LNA4ALL"

RTL-SDR, tuner 820T or 820T2
NF = 3.7dB

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