[CMCEmail] CMC Outing this weekend!

CMCEmail@Californiamountaineer.com cmcemail at californiamountaineer.com
Mon Jan 6 21:12:51 EST 2020

CMC Members - 


Rock climbing outing at Joshua Tree N.P. this weekend!  Contact John
Grisbach at  <mailto:jgrisbach at gmail.com> jgrisbach at gmail.com for more
information about this outing.


January 11th - 12th                             Saturday - Sunday
Joshua Tree


Join me for two days of rock climbing in Joshua Tree National Park - I've
reserved two campsites for Saturday night in Indian Cove Campground.  Each
site has space for 6 people and 2 vehicles.  Friends and family are welcome
but MUST be accompanied by a CMC member.  We'll have a campfire on Saturday
night, with an option to eat dinner in town Saturday night.  Parking will be
limited on this trip, so carpooling is a must.  Email John for additional
information at:  <mailto:jgrisbach at gmail.com> jgrisbach at gmail.com 









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