[CMCEmail] AAC Upcoming Events

CMCEmail@Californiamountaineer.com cmcemail at californiamountaineer.com
Wed Feb 11 09:29:40 EST 2015


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Upcoming local EVENTS:




  <https://gallery.mailchimp.com/60afa02764806293a37aacfda/images/445da138-29a5-4d41-a1e1-a4588ec4d1bc.jpeg> Pasadena, CA  Join the American Alpine Club and the Caltech Alpine Club in Pasadena for a special reception before the showing of the 2014 Banff Mountain Film Festival.  

The tribe will gather outside the Beckman Auditorium at 6:00pm on March 25 for free beer and snacks.  The big show starts at 7:30pm.  Mark your calendars!  Registration information for the films, TBA.

 <http://americanalpineclub.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=60afa02764806293a37aacfda&id=9c5b05c2f2&e=0ef367c907> Check out a rad preview for the 2015 tour!





  <https://gallery.mailchimp.com/60afa02764806293a37aacfda/images/28b5eacb-891a-426f-8bcd-51fcb680a2bb.jpg> Las Vegas, NV  Come take part in the largest outdoor climbing festival in world! Parties, climbing pros, clinics, feasts, vendor villages, games, raffles, prizes, auctions oh my!   <http://americanalpineclub.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=60afa02764806293a37aacfda&id=8a7051cf64&e=0ef367c907> Registration is now open for the 2015 Rendezvous!

Since the first Rendezvous in 2003, it has stood to spread the love of climbing with thousands of participants from across the country and around the world. If you’ve never climbed before, they'll teach you how. If you already climb, their specialized clinics can help you explore more advanced facets of the sport. No matter your experience, Mountain Gear's staff of climbers, guides, and pro-athletes instruct in a safe, supportive setting where you’ll make new friends and climbing partners. When you’re not on the rock, you can join the fun festival atmosphere at Friday night’s kick-off party, the Saturday night buffet and dance party, and the Sunday morning pancake breakfast.

 <http://americanalpineclub.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=60afa02764806293a37aacfda&id=75a1754990&e=0ef367c907> REGISTER NOW




volcanic tablelands stewardship & breakfast

Bishop, CA  Mark your calendars and come join the American Alpine Club, the Bishop Area Climber's Coalition, and the BLM in hosting the annual Tablelands Adopt-a-Crag. A volunteer breakfast will be provided by the AAC. More details TBA.




idyllwild climbers festival

Idyllwild, CA  On Sunday, May 17 the Idyllwild Climbers Alliance will host the Fifth Annual Climbers Festival in Idyllwild. The morning will start with coffee and pastries at 8am to 9am at the Idyllwild Town Hall (25925 Cedar St.) After breakfast, volunteers will get to work on the main climber’s trails in Idyllwild. The day will wrap up  at the Town Hall with a barbecue, raffle, and silent auction.

This event is sponsored by: the Alliance, the Access Fund, and the Southwest Section of the American Alpine Club. More details TBA.

A united community of competent climbers and healthy climbing landscapes.

 <http://americanalpineclub.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=60afa02764806293a37aacfda&id=0019c82f96&e=0ef367c907> Visit the Southwest Section Page   <mailto:southwest at americanalpineclub.org> Email the Southwest Section   <http://americanalpineclub.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=60afa02764806293a37aacfda&id=9a8bc1867b&e=0ef367c907> Benefits in the Western Region   <http://us1.forward-to-friend.com/forward?u=60afa02764806293a37aacfda&id=6e5bde61c0&e=0ef367c907> Forward to Friend 

About the Southwest Section:

You've received this email because you're part of the American Alpine Club's  <http://americanalpineclub.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=60afa02764806293a37aacfda&id=8e4eb7ed86&e=0ef367c907> Southwest Section—one of four Sections in the  <http://americanalpineclub.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=60afa02764806293a37aacfda&id=fb52f0f081&e=0ef367c907> Western Region!

The Southwest Section of the American Alpine Club covers all of the fantastic Southern California and Southern Nevada climbing, including classic areas like Joshua Tree, Red Rocks, and Tahquitz. The Section hosts various climbing-related activities across the area, but primarily in the Los Angeles area. 

On the Section's website, you'll find the latest blog posts, information about volunteers and volunteering, links to find Guidebooks for the Section, and contact information so you can get in touch!

Copyright © 2015 The American Alpine Club, All rights reserved. 
You are receiving this email because you're a vital part of the climbing community. 

Our mailing address is: 

The American Alpine Club

710 10th St Suite 100

Golden, CO 80401





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