[CMCEmail] CMC Winter Outing

CMCEmail@Californiamountaineer.com cmcemail at californiamountaineer.com
Thu Mar 15 20:40:55 EDT 2012

NOTE: the date for this outing has changed.

March 24th Saturday
Winter Membership Outing

This year's Winter Membership Outing will be held on the north slopes of San
Gorgonio, near Horse Meadows. Join us for one day of practicing snow
skills, and/or skiing and snowshoeing. Ski, snowshoe, or hike in (1.5
miles+/-) and set up near Horse Meadows. We plan to practice snow anchors,
ice axe arrest, "Z" and "C" crevasse rescue systems, roped team travel and
fixed line travel. Send email with experience/conditioning to Joe at
(josephlwhite at earthlink.net) and/or Tom at (tritchie at rkmattorneys.com).

LEADERS/ORGANIZERS: Joe White, Tom Ritchie

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