[CMCEmail] Last Call - 4th Annual CMC Photo Contest...!!!

CMCEmail@Californiamountaineer.com cmcemail at californiamountaineer.com
Tue Dec 4 23:01:12 EST 2012

Dearest CMC Clickers...

There's a 24-hr extension to submit your awesome shots into the Fourth Annual CMC Photo Contest. I have an engagement on Wednesday night, so why not give y'all a little more time. I heard that last weekend's J-Tree outing was stupendous...where's the proof?!
Right now I have 20 EXCELLENT photos from seven photographers (did I mention that these pics are pretty good...?). I tell ya, this might be the best collection of submittals yet! I'm glad that I'm not voting this year! And as a reminder, please DO NOT REPLY to this email, as then it'll be sent to the listserve. Instead, please send to Bob Oppermann (bobopp1 at yahoo.com ).

OK, so you've got until 6:00pm Thursday (12/6/12) to send me your photo(s). Remember, there's a limit of four (4) per person. Anyone been outta the country? Jan Lorenzen, whatcha got? Joe White, where's yours? Brian Beach, been running in the rain lately? And Mr President, Henry you need to lead by example and SUBMIT my friend!  You got 46-hrs...let's see what you've got!
- Bob O.
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