[CMCEmail] CMC Tar Creek Canyoneering/Hike

CMCEmail@Californiamountaineer.com cmcemail at californiamountaineer.com
Fri Nov 13 10:37:35 EST 2009

November 22 Sunday Tar Creek

Join us for this (first?) CMC canyoneering outing. We will review
canyoneering basics, equipment and technique and descend Tar Creek in
Ventura County (near Fillmore but far from the area that burned in 9/09).
Tar Creek flows into Sespe Creek, and we may see condors. Expect little or
no water in Tar Creek unless it has rained. There are two main falls (60'
and 160') that we plan to rappel, and a couple smaller ones for practice.
There are walkaround routes for the falls, too. After the canyon, enjoy the
wilderness along Sespe Creek and hike back out. About 8 mi., 2000' gain,
some cross-country. Canyoneering experience is not necessary, but p
articipants need to have experience rappelling if they plan to do the long
rappels. Climbing harness, helmet, and some basic climbing gear are
required. Send email with experience to Leaders/Organizers: Ron Hudson
hudsonrf at verizon.net and Augie Medina amedina364 at aol.com
<mailto:amedina364 at alol.com>

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