[CharterSchools] SIGN UP FOR EXPERT TRAINING in March

charterschools at LACharter.org charterschools at LACharter.org
Tue Mar 10 13:27:42 EDT 2015


        Charter School Association Partners with Greater New Orleans Foundation to Offer Courses on Building More Effective Boards       
        Sessions in New Orleans and Houma/Terrebonne/Lafourche areas

        Sessions offered for all non-profits; others targeted to charter schools       
        What:                                All Louisiana public charter schools are governed by a volunteer, non-profit board which holds them accountable for academic performance, fiscal responsibility, transparency and other requirements in the state’s 20-year-old charter school law       
        Who:                                Featured trainer Frank Martinelli, President, Center for Public Skills Training and advisor to traditional public and charter schools throughout America for more than 35 years; Author,        Creating Effective Charter School Governance Boards and        How Community-Based Organizations Can Start Charter Schools       
        Parents of students in charter schools, education reform advocates and community leaders need charter school boards to be effective in order for a school to succeed as well as build positive partnerships with the school community at large; there are 134 charter schools in Louisiana, with the majority of them being in Orleans Parish       
        General Session Open to All Non-profits, New Orleans:                   
March 26, 8:30 a.m. to         Noon, GNOF, 1055 St. Charles Ave.              
        ·      Governance as leadership for non-profits: Positioning Your Board for Strategic and Generative Governance       
        Register by clicking here: http://www.gnof.org/governance-as-leadership-positioning-your-board- for-strategic-and-generative-governance-registration-open/ (GNOF just posted this one)       
        General Session Open to All Non-profits, Houma/Terrebonne/Lafourche areas:       
 March 27, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., Houma, Lafourche, Terrebonne areas       
 North Branch of the Terrebonne Parish Library, 4130 W. Park Ave,       
 Gray, LA       
        ·      Just-in-time Board Orientation and Intro to Non-Profit Board Service       
        ·      Register here:        http://www.gnof.org/nonprofit-board-basics-bayou-region-session-march-27-2015/       
        Register by clicking here: http://www.gnof.org/nonprofit-board-basics-bayou-region-session-march- 27-2015/        
        Charter School Focused Sessions, New Orleans: Free to LAPCS members or $15 per person        
        March 26, 2 - 4:30 pm, Greater New Orleans Foundation, 1055 St. Charles Ave.       
        ·      Governing for the Future: Proven Practices for Strengthening Your Board        
        Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/positioning-your-board-for-strategic- and-generative-governance-tickets-15700100423        
        March 27, 8 to 9:30 a.m., Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools, 1555 Poydras St., Suite 700       
        ·      Working breakfast with charter school chairs and school CEOs on effective governance and the importance of partnership       
        Register by clicking here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/developing-an-effective-board- ceo-partnership-tickets-15700535725        
 Goal:                                        LAPCS and GNOF are partnering to offer this course in order to create great charter school and non-profit boards that are equivalent to a Michelin-starred restaurant by enhancing their capacity, said LAPCS CEO Caroline Roemer Shirley.       
 Registration:                    Required and limited to first-come, first-served. Registration fees may apply to some sessions. Contact Makiyah Moody at (504) 274-3649 or        mmoody at lacharterschools.org.       
 Cheron Brylski       
 The Brylski Company       
 3418 Coliseum Street       
 New Orleans, Louisiana 70115       
 (504) 897-6110       
 FX (504) 897-0778       
 Cell (504) 460-1468       
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