[CharterSchools] Kenilworth Charter Receives US Army Grant
charterschools at LACharter.org
charterschools at LACharter.org
Wed Nov 19 12:56:18 EST 2014
Kenilworth receives U.S. Army grant
News Release
Kenilworth Science and Technology Charter School has received a grant for the 2014-15 school year from the U.S. Army Educational Outreach Program.
The grant will help the school participate in eCYBERMISSION, a national program coordinated by the U.S. Army and the National Science Teachers Association. The eCYBERMISSION program encourages middle school teams to use science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) to solve a "mission challenge" in their communities. Mission challenges can involve alternative sources of energy; the environment; food, health and fitness; forces and motion; national security and safety; robotics or technology.
The team, which consist of three or four students, research the problem, comes up with a hypothesis and conducts experiments. Last year's winning teams included research into earthquake-proof bamboo housing, a water filtration method to remove antibiotics from drinking water and research into methods of reviving soil from farming chemical overuse.
For this year, members of first-place state, regional and national teams each will receive savings bonds of $1,000, $2,000 and $5,000, respectively. In addition, each student member of a regional first-place team will receive an all-expenses paid trip to Washington, D.C. to compete for the national award.
Kenilworth Science and Technology Charter School is a state-sanctioned charter school with an academic focus on science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM. Formerly a part of the East Baton Rouge Parish school system, Kenilworth has demonstrated consistent academic growth since its conversion to a charter school in 2009.
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Kenilworth Science and Technology School | 7600 Boone Ave. | Baton Rouge | LA | 70808
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