[CharterSchools] Young Audiences Charter School Principal Receives Grant to Champion Creativity in Schools
charterschools at LACharter.org
charterschools at LACharter.org
Tue Nov 18 16:34:01 EST 2014
Young Audiences Charter School Principal Folwell Dunbar Receives Grant to ChampionCreativity in Schools
Folwell Dunar is one of 20 elementary and middle schoolprincipals from across the nation who has been selected by Crayola and theNational Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) to receive a“Champion Creatively Alive Children” school grant. Dunbar is the School Leaderat Young Audiences Charter School in Gretna, Louisiana. Crayola and NAESP togetherselected 20 schools to receive the grants, which will fund innovative programsaimed at fostering children’s critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, andcommunication skills.
The Champion Creatively Alive Children grants are intendedto help schools build creative capacity, nurture children’s creativity andinspire other schools to do the same. Young Audiences Charter School received a$2,500 monetary grant and $1,000 worth of Crayola products. Dunbar will shareoutcomes from their program via NAESP’s website and a special PrincipalMagazine Supplement to help other principals develop promising practicesrelated to arts education.
“Crayolabelieves that for students to reach their full potential and grow intoself-motivated learners, their creativity and critical thinking skills must benurtured. We believe children develop these 21st century skills when educatorsignite their imaginations through art infused education,” said Mike Perry,Crayola president and chief executive officer.
The Champion Creatively Alive Children grant program asksprincipals to explore a “what if…” learning opportunity. For example, what ifarts-infused learning thrived every day in schools? What if schools relied moreon project-based authentic assessment rather than standardized tests? What ifparents and schools found ways to document and articulate the value of creativeexperiences? The entries were judged on innovation, collaboration, andsustainability.
“Principals understand the value of using arts-infusededucation to ignite deep learning for all students,” said NAESP ExecutiveDirector Gail Connelly. “We’re proud to work with Crayola and the ChampionCreatively Alive Children grant program to provide schools with this uniqueopportunity for resources to enhance students' creativity and success.”
To view the complete list of the 20 Champion CreativelyAlive Children grant recipients, visit www.naesp.org/creativity.
About Crayola:
Crayolabelieves in honoring and nurturing the colorful originality in every child.Serving as advocates for increased art-infused education, their products andprograms help children acquire critical 21st century skills. Together witheducators, Crayola champions creatively alive children. For more information, andfree professional development resources, visit www.crayola.com/educator
About the National Association ofElementary School Principals (NAESP):
Establishedin 1921, the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) leadsin the advocacy and support for elementary and middle school principals in theUnited States and internationally. NAESP supports principals as the primarycatalysts for creating lasting foundations for learning through policy andprofessional development, advocacy, programs, and resources for effectiveinstructional leadership. NAESP advances the profession on behalf of allprincipals, providing specialized support and mentoring for early careerprincipals. Key focus areas including pre-K-3 education, school safety,technology and digital learning, and capacity-building educator evaluation. Formore information about NAESP, please visit www.naesp.org.
About Young Audiences Charter School:
Young Audiences Charter School at Kate Middleton is an open enrollment, arts-integrated charter school. It opened in 2013 with over 400 students in grades K-3. For the 2014-15 school year, enrollment is open to any Jefferson Parish student entering Kindergarten through 4th grade. Each following academic year, the school will add one grade to serve students in grades K-8 by Fall 2018.
Photos attached:
Photo YACS #1: (left-right) Young Audiences Charter School students Aaron Davis and Lane Sheasby participating in the Crayola design project.
YACS #2: (left-back to right-front)Young Audiences Charter School students Tyren Davis, Malia White, and Schlief Sheasby participate in the Crayola design project.
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