[CharterSchools] Sci High students to celebrate Leah Chase at Dooky Chase Restaurant tomorrow
charterschools at LACharter.org
charterschools at LACharter.org
Wed Nov 12 16:49:49 EST 2014
Sci Highstudents to celebrate Leah Chase at Dooky Chase Restaurant
Students to visit legendary chef’s restaurant aspart of Heroes Project
Studentsfrom Sci High will participate in a Dooky Chase Restaurant Research Trip aspart of the school’s ongoing Heroes Project celebrating the women heroes of NewOrleans for the Tricentennial. The project seeks to engage students in definingwhat makes a person a hero in a larger society that freely throws around theword "hero."
LeahChase is one of the several women of New Orleans that Sci High students haveresearched and they will use their visit to the famous restaurant to do furtherresearch on the legendary chef for presentations they are working on.
Thursday,November 13
DookyChase Restaurant
2301Orleans Ave, New Orleans, LA 70119
Theschool invites members of the media to take part in this event. For moreinformation, contact Jonathan Barnes at 504.897.6110 or Melanie Boulet at985.696.0029, mboulet at noscihigh.org.
The Brylski Company
(504) 897-6110
3418 Coliseum Street
New Orleans, Louisiana 70115
Cheron Brylski • Heather Harper • Devin Johnson
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