[CharterSchools] Students Lead the Way in Community Service & Carhop to Make Dinner a Blast!!!

charterschools at LACharter.org charterschools at LACharter.org
Wed Nov 12 15:32:04 EST 2014

Help Mission Ignition Students Lead the Way in Community Service
Make Dinner a Blast at Sonic
20 top students from five area high schools will be at your service--all for community service--Thursday, November 13 from 5-8 p.m.Just dine-out at a Sonic Drive-in.
The students from Lusher, Ben Franklin, Haynes, Patrick F. Taylor and Thomas Jefferson will be carhops working for tips to support United Way Mission ignition.
Mission Ignition is set up as a competition in which schools compete to complete the most service hours in one month. In 2014, students have undertaken projects at the Joe Brown Center in eastern New Orleans and Brechtel Park in Algiers. Funds raised from ‘carhopping’ will help pay for supplies needed for future volunteer clean-up projects.
You can give a helping hand to Mission Ignition members by eating at the two participating Sonic Drive-Ins:
2302 Veterans Memorial Blvd. in Kenner        
3913 Veterans Memorial Blvd. in Metairie
The United Way Mission Ignitionstudent-run service initiative is designed to encourage local teens to give back to their communitiesby volunteering, raising awareness and funds, while inspiring teens to develop philanthropic lifestyles that transcend high school graduation requirements.
For more information, check outwww.uwmissionignition.com or contact Melody Reed 504-827-6846 / melody at unitedwaysela.org.
Terry Westerfield
Chief Communications Officer
United Way of Southeast Louisiana
2515 Canal Street  |  New Orleans, LA 70119
ph: 504.827.6848  |  fax: 504.821.7544  | Terryw at unitedwaysela.org
LIVE UNITED | unitedwaysela.org | Facebook | Twitter  | Shutterfly | YouTube 

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