[Hackrf-dev] Max TX power

Geoffrey Feldman geoffreyf at comcast.net
Thu May 31 14:27:20 EDT 2018

Why not get an FM Broadcast transmitter? (assuming you have the appropriate license)    Have you considered the antenna you would need to do whatever it is you are thinking about?   If you want to be a pirate, you could probably build an FM broadcast transmitter for less than the price of a HACK RF.   That way, when it is confiscated (or worse depending on where you live) you will lose less money.




From: HackRF-dev [mailto:hackrf-dev-bounces at greatscottgadgets.com] On Behalf Of Mitja kocjancic
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2018 2:20 PM
To: Chuck McManis
Cc: hackrf-dev
Subject: Re: [Hackrf-dev] Max TX power


can someone recomend a chep 1 to 100watts amp and filter (preferebly all in one) for FM Broadcast Band (also covering 64 to 76Mhz)


2018-05-31 17:23 GMT+02:00 Chuck McManis <chuck.mcmanis at gmail.com>:

Have you considered a separate power amplifier ? While the HackRF can transmit a few milliwatts of power if you're actually going to use it to transmit something "for real" (rather than just use it for experiments) you might consider getting a filter for the band of interest and a separate power amplifier. That does two things for you, first it prevents the transmissions of spurious signals (harmonics, overtones, etc) that arise from the nature of how the signal is created. Second it lets you accurately control the effective radiated power of your antenna and power amplifier set up and stay within any transmission restrictions for the spectrum on which you are transmitting. As a bonus it protects the output stage of your HackRF from reflected transmission signals coming from mismatched transmission lines.


On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 1:35 AM, Matteo Terzi <matteo.terzi97 at gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

how can I set the maximum TX power of the HackRF?

On gnu radio I'm using a "multiply const=6" and the parameter "IF Gain=47" (of the osmocom sink). Any other method or strategies??






Matteo TERZI

Google Gmail Member


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