[Hackrf-dev] How to resend SDRSharp captured baseband iq data

kkkk kkkk at fejm.pl
Tue Mar 28 11:19:27 EDT 2017

I have set of data which I have captured  in the past using RTL-2832 usb devices and SDRSharp software under Windows.   Now i would like to resend these data using the HackRF One and hackrf_resend command under linux. The function hackrf_transfer, both tx and rx under linux is working.  However I would like to use this old captured data. I cannot record it again. That would be the easiest way.   The data from SDR Sharp are 8 bit baseband IQ samples with wav extension.  If I understand correct the data are in different format. SDRSharp saved it as 8 bit unsigned whereas hackrf_transfer is using 8 bit signed and without wav header. The switch '-w' is helping when we would like to reopen hackrf captured data in SDRSharp, but i need to do this in other way. From Sdrsharp to hackrf one.   I have GNU Radio companion and trying to do some conversion. In this way SourceFile>>adding -127constant>>SinkFile. But something is missing. What kind of operation should I perform in GNURadio Companion between the source and sink file blocks?
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