[Hackrf-dev] Looking for a HackRF-CW-RX.grc

Hajo Dezelski dl1sdz at gmail.com
Mon Oct 5 05:37:21 EDT 2015

Hello Kevin,

thanks for the quick reply. I will use it as a starter and see what is
coming out. I still have some troubles to get it started, for the AGC2
doesn't accept the input from complex to real, but one more reason to

Up-Converter: You are right. But I am more into weak-signal
propagation, so it is a problem to be solved in the future and of
course I will need after the antenna some lowpass and bandpassfilters
to suppress interferences from stronger station outside the band.

Again thanks and

all the best es 73 de
Hajo (DL1SDZ)

Cela est bien dit, mais il faut cultiver notre jardin.

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