[CMCEmail] CMC Outing This Weekend!

CMCEmail@Californiamountaineer.com cmcemail at californiamountaineer.com
Mon Jun 17 10:59:27 EDT 2019

CMC Members-   

Lost Coast Backpack this weekend!  Contact Tim Hoover at
<mailto:frisbeedog02 at yahoo.com> frisbeedog02 at yahoo.com for more information
about this outing.



June 22nd - 26th                              Saturday-Wednesday
Lost Coast Backpack


The Lost Coast - who couldn't love a name like that? I've never been there
but I'm anxious to see the place. The Lost Coast is a remote section of the
California coastline roughly 5 hours north of San Francisco. Our backpack
will be roughly 25 miles but I have budgeted a leisurely 5 days as a slow
pace will allow extra time for swimming, photography, etc. This is an
excellent chance to explore an undeveloped coastal section of the state we
live in.


If interested contact Tim Hoover:  <mailto:frisbeedog02 at yahoo.com>
frisbeedog02 at yahoo.com 



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