[CMCEmail] CMC Outing in Two Weeks!

CMCEmail@Californiamountaineer.com cmcemail at californiamountaineer.com
Tue Aug 13 22:08:08 EDT 2019

CMC Members - 


Bristlecone Pine/Milky Way Backpack, Mt Washington Nevada in two weeks!
Contact Tim Hoover at  <mailto:frisbeedog02 at yahoo.com>
frisbeedog02 at yahoo.com for more information about this outing.



August 30th - September 1st         Friday - Sunday            Bristlecone
Pine/Milky Way Backpack, Mt Washington Nevada


I love Bristlecone Pines. I also love to photograph the Milky Way. I'm
planning to combine these two on an overnight at the end of August. There
are two groves of Bristlecone Pines on the flanks of Mt Washington in Great
Basin National Park, Nevada. The remote location and the fact that there
will be a new moon at the end of August means that there should be a chance
for some really terrific photography (weather permitting, of course).


If anyone is interested in joining me, the company would be welcomed. There
are no special skills required and the trip is open to all members, but the
hike to the nearest grove is about 6.5 miles and 2000 ft of gain from the
trailhead to 10,600 ft. so a decent level of conditioning would be useful.
Also, if anyone is extra motivated, we could add another 1000 ft of gain and
summit Mt Washington on day 2.


This is a fairly long drive from SoCal, but if you haven't been to Great
Basin, there are plenty of things to do to make an extended stay worthwhile.


If interested contact Tim Hoover: frisbeedog02 at yahoo.com
<mailto:frisbeedog02 at yahoo.com> 



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