[CMCEmail] CMC Backcountry Skiing/Split-Boarding Outing Next Weekend!

CMCEmail@Californiamountaineer.com cmcemail at californiamountaineer.com
Mon Apr 23 00:16:19 EDT 2018

CMC Members - 


Eastern Sierra backcountry skiing and split-boarding outing next weekend!
Contact Chris Jakober at jakecattleco at yahoo.com for more information about
this outing.  



April 27th - 29th                        Friday - Sunday
Eastern Sierra - Backcountry Skiing/Split-boarding

Looking for some mountaineers that want to earn some turns in the High
Sierra.  This trip will be a series of day trips, likely using the Greys
Meadow campground as base camp. There's plenty of good options off of Onion
Valley Road, but definitely open to other options in the area (e.g. Glacier
Lodge Road or Buttermilk Road)   Minimum gear will be avalanche gear, skins
and AT skis/split-boards.  Prefer folks have at least AIARE Level I
training.  Send an email with experience/conditioning to
<mailto:jakecattleco at yahoo.com> jakecattleco at yahoo.com. 



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