[CMCEmail] New CMC Outing Added to the Schedule!

CMCEmail@Californiamountaineer.com cmcemail at californiamountaineer.com
Sun Apr 1 14:37:02 EDT 2018

CMC Members - 

The following outing has just been added to the schedule:
Note:  for the complete outings schedule, visit our website (
<http://californiamountaineer.net/> http://californiamountaineer.net/)



April 22nd - 28th                 Sunday - Saturday
Southern Utah Canyoneering


Join me for a post-tax day, spring canyoneering adventure in Southwest Utah.
We will start in Zion National Park, but may also head to Escalante if there
is sufficient interest. The canyons we do will be decided by the skill and
interest of the participants. They could be anything from single day
descents to multiday backpacks. As a bonus, the desert wildflowers should be
in bloom.


Feel free to join us for all, or part of the trip. Participants should be in
appropriate physical condition for whatever they chose, and be comfortable
rappelling and down climbing modest but unprotected drops. Canyoneering
experience is not required, but required gear includes a helmet, wetsuit,
and personal reppelling gear. All this can be rented, if needed, in
Springdale, just outside the park. If interested contact Tim Hoover:
frisbeedog02 at yahoo.com 





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