[CMCEmail] Another CMC outing added to the schedule!

CMCEmail@Californiamountaineer.com cmcemail at californiamountaineer.com
Sat Jun 11 23:25:42 EDT 2016

CMC Members-   

The following outing has just been added to the schedule:
Note:  for the complete outings schedule, visit our website (
<http://californiamountaineer.net/> http://californiamountaineer.net/)



June 18th - 19th        Saturday-Sunday      Mt. Shasta: Hotlum-Wintun
Ski/Board Descent

Have you always wanted to ski or snowboard Mt. Shasta?  How about an ascent
under the light of a near full moon?  Depending upon the snowpack, the
<http://www.summitpost.org/hotlum-wintun-ridge/165904> Hotlum-Wintun route
can offer almost 7,000 feet of backcountry turns, more detail available from
SkiMountaineer.com.  Recent trip reports have noted excellent conditions
right now, and it's looking like the Forest Service and Mother Nature may
cooperate to open the Brewer Creek Trailhead at some point this week.


The tentative plan would be to rendezvous in Mt. Shasta city on Saturday the
18th and then make our way to the Brewer Creek trailhead on the East side of
the mountain.  Our single day ascent/descent would begin a little after
midnight on the 19th with the plan to summit mid-morning.  The target
descent time would be around noon, and it sounds like there's still snow to
ski/board all the way back to the vehicles at the trailhead.  Updated
conditions for Mt Shasta can be found at  <http://shastaavalanche.org/>
Shastaavalanche.org.  Send an email with experience/conditioning to
<mailto:chris.jakober at gmail.com> chris.jakober at gmail.com.


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