[CMCEmail] CMC Newsletter Reminder!

CMCEmail@Californiamountaineer.com cmcemail at californiamountaineer.com
Mon Sep 15 17:31:48 EDT 2014

CMC Members - 


Trang is gearing up to print our next Newsletter, but she needs content!
Please get your Articles and Photos into Trang (doantrangtran at gmail.com) by
September 20th.  Also, if you have a trip that you'd like to lead in
2014-2015, please send your idea to Tom Sexton (tjsexton at socal.rr.com).  Tom
will send the idea to the Board for approval, then into the Newsletter it'll


Thanks in advance for our participation. We all look forward to reading
about your adventures!


If you have any questions you can reach me at rbstephs at gmail.com.


Stephanie Smith


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