[CMCEmail] BLM Survey on Access in the Western Mojave - Please distribute and respond

CMCEmail@Californiamountaineer.com cmcemail at californiamountaineer.com
Sat May 17 09:44:02 EDT 2014

Please let the BLM know where popular camping places and staging areas occur
in the referenced areas of the Mojave so that they will take those areas
into account during planning. Please complete and send by May 30, 2014.


FORM 5-2014

Western Mojave Transportation Routes Inventory.

The BLM is in the final stages of preparing the new West Mojave plan. They
are asking for input from cultural resource, paleontological and geological
and biological researchers, as well as hikers, horseback riders, history
tours, nature photographers, solitude seekers and the rock collecting
community to provide data regarding where they like to camp and stage field
trips. The BLM can include these as larger areas where multiple vehicles
will be allowed. The BLM would designate areas that allow up to a 300 ft.
perimeter adjacent to an open route for overnight camping/staging/trailhead

The geographic description of the Western Mojave (WEMO) area and the list of
WEMO Subareas 

can be found at:


Please click on "Travel Management Area Maps (1 - 8)" and choose your area
of interest:

Area 1: Barstow to Broadwell, between I-15 and I-40

Area 2: North of Ridgecrest

Area 3: San Bernardino Mountains east to 29 Palms and Ludlow

Area 4: Inyokern, Mojave, Palmdale and Phelan

Area 5:  Boron to Baker, north of SR 58 and I-15

Area 6:  Victorville to Kramer along SR 395

Area 7:  SR 58 from Kramer to Mojave, north thru Randsburg to Ridgecrest

Area 8: Mojave River east to 29 Palms Marine Base, north of Old Woman
Springs Road and south of I-40.


Please complete the following form and send it to the BLM (
<mailto:eseehafe at blm.gov> mailto:eseehafe at blm.gov;mquillma at blm.gov) 

with a cc to Kim Campbell Erb [campbellsrocks at gmail.com] and 

Randy Banis [RBanis at SundanceMediaCom.com]

by May 30, 2014


My group, with an average number of _______________vehicles, practices
passive desert usage, 

and removes recent human trash from the following area:


I have seen groups of about_______________ number of vehicles
gathered/camped in this area:


WEMO Subarea Number (choose 1-8):

GPS Location (UTM NAD 83 preferred [from Google Earth] or Lat/Long):



My group practices the following passive use:

___        Cultural/Paleontological Resource management

___        Biological resource Investigations and management

___        Geological/Health/Safety Investigations

___        History Tours

___        Nature/Photography/Solitude Tours

___        Family camping experience

___        Family rock/mineral/camping experience

___        OTHER____________________________________

___        OTHER____________________________________

___        OTHER____________________________________



Group Name:_____________________________________________________________

Contact Information:_______________________________________________________



Please complete and send response by May 30 2014


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