[CMCEmail] AAC Southwest Section Events
cmcemail at californiamountaineer.com
Thu Sep 5 21:23:28 EDT 2013
<http://americanalpineclub.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=60afa02764806293a37aacfda&id=2ff45abdd3&e=49344561f0> Visit the Southwest Section of the American Alpine Club
Southwest Section Events:
Check out whats rolling through your area this fall! Lots of opportunities to hang with the tribe and get involved. More events being added every day...
September 21: Pasadena, CA
Eaton Canyon Clean-Up
The Caltech Alpine Club, American Alpine Club, and the Access Fund are running a second major clean-up project in <http://americanalpineclub.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=60afa02764806293a37aacfda&id=839c9efe68&e=49344561f0> Eaton Canyon on Saturday, September 21. This beautiful area is the first canyoneering experience for many Angelenos, and it's a favorite little getaway for many people who live in the San Gabriel Valley. Unfortunately it's been severely trashed and tagged recently and is in desperate need of attention. The first clean-up was in June 2012 and a huge success with over fifty participants present and a lot of free BBQ eaten. Last time thirty-five participants descended the entire canyon, negotiating eight rappels, to clean it top-to-bottom. This time we will focus on the most severely impacted area, which is between the first and second waterfalls and accessible bottom-up. We will wrap up with an awesome free BBQ again at Victory Park, just down the street from the Eaton Canyon entrance, at 7 PM.
RSVP on <http://americanalpineclub.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=60afa02764806293a37aacfda&id=b0c7dda157&e=49344561f0> Facebook (optional) and check out the <http://americanalpineclub.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=60afa02764806293a37aacfda&id=2a8271d67f&e=49344561f0> event page for more details.
September 24-29: Yosemite Valley, CA
Yosemite Facelift 10th Anniversary
The American Alpine Club Western Region will be participating in full force for this years Yosemite Facelift, now celebrating it's 10th Anniversary! The Facelift will start with an evening program at 6:30 p.m. on September 24th, 2013 and will end at midnight September 29th, 2013. There will be evening slideshows, entertainment, live music, and beer provided by New Belgium Brewing Co.
The AAC has space for 11 volunteers who will be provided free camping in our sites at the Upper Pines Campground. We are situated in sites #79 and #80 this year. Registration for camping in the AAC site is now full, however if you can make it to the Valley, there's always a need for more volunteers!
October 14: Pasadena, CA
Michael Ybarra Memorial
Join the American Alpine Club, the Caltech Alpine Club, and most importantly, Michael Ybarra's climbing partners and family, to remember this award-winning writer and climber. Ybarra died in a climbing accident in 2012 and will be remembered at this event by his friends and family, including Kris Solem, Marissa Christman, Eric Gafner, and his sister Suzanne Ybarra. The Caltech Alpine Club is hosting this event for free; there will be snacks, refreshments, and remembrance of an incredible person and personality. The event begins at 7 pm at the Beckman Institute Auditorium at Caltech in Pasadena, but come half an hour early for snacks and conversation.
Directions and more information are at <http://americanalpineclub.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=60afa02764806293a37aacfda&id=5729e8f94d&e=49344561f0> alpine.caltech.edu/Michael_Ybarra_Memorial.
October 18-20: Joshua Tree, CA
Climb Smart Climbing Festival
Join the Friends of Joshua Tree, the American Alpine Club, and the rest of the outdoor industry as we gather in Joshua Tree for the annual climbing event! This event features a plethora of climbing clinics, slideshows, a vendor village, volunteer stewardship opportunities, and more! More details TBA but save the date! Some further information can be found at the Friends of Joshua Tree website <http://americanalpineclub.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=60afa02764806293a37aacfda&id=c4366b4411&e=49344561f0> HERE.
October 25-27: Oakdale, CA
Oakdale Climber's Festival
The history of climbing told by climbers. Featuring films, authors, artists and more. The climbing event not to be missed. One price gets you three very full days. Pre-register before October 12th and save! Register at: <http://americanalpineclub.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=60afa02764806293a37aacfda&id=256e2a6866&e=49344561f0> http://oakdaleclimbersfestival.com/
Part I: Through Our Eyes, Climbing on Film
On Friday climbers involved in all aspects of film making will discuss the process of capturing the climbing experience on film. Roger Brown will show Sentinel, The West Face and discuss its production along with Royal Robbins and Tom Frost. Tom Frost, Greg Lowe and Jim Erickson will discuss the making of Free Climb and Peter Mortimer and Nick Rosen of Sender Films will discuss and show their work. Fred Padula will show the newly restored classic El Capitan, and discuss its creation. Fred will also show his recent documentary about the making of El Capitan to close the evening.
Part II: The Granite Crucible, a Circle of Friends
On Saturday there will be a large list of speakers who will be talking about the community and the evolution of free climbing in Yosemite. Yosemite climbers of record will discuss their free climbing accomplishments and development in relation to the natural and human resources unique to Yosemite.
Speakers for 2013 are:
Mark Powell, Eric Beck, Dave Rearick, Royal Robbins, Jim Bridwell, Peter Haan, Barry Bates, Roger Breedlove, John Long, Peter Croft, Alex Honnold, Katie Lambert, Tommy Caldwell, Steve Grossman.
Part III: Standing Our Ground, Preserving Camp 4
On Sunday sit back and enjoy the conversation that takes us to the value and significance of Camp 4 and its preservation will be discussed in detail with speakers to include: Doug Robinson, Glen Denny, Tom Frost and Dick Duane.
More speakers will be added to the program as we receive confirmation and updates. The details on the admission fee and registration will be announced shortly. We have room for a thousand, so please spread the word. This will be a fantastic historical gathering. Schedule and speakers subject to change.
October 29: Berkeley, CA
Special Gore Pro Peek Party
Come celebrate the American Alpine Club with our friends at Gore-Tex at a special free event happening at the David Brower Center in Berkeley, CA on the evening of October 29th, 2013! There will be food, games, beer, music, speakers, tons of top end swag, big prizes to win, high fives, and good times! Why are we celebrating? Because we are a RAD organization and we should celebrate our accomplishments with a big party! Details on this event have yet to be released--look for those soon.
This is a Save-the-Date and a CALLING FOR VOLUNTEERS. We are looking for around 10 individuals to help make this party happen. If you live in the area and are able to get involved behind the scenes, shoot your Regional Coordinator at note by emailing him at <mailto:jdeikis at americanalpineclub.org?subject=I%20want%20to%20volunteer%20for%20the%20Gore%20event!> jdeikis at americanalpineclub.org.
November 8,9: Bishop, CA
Fall Highball Craggin' Classic
Reel Rock, Buttermilks, High-Lines, Hot-Dogs, Bonfires, New Belgium, Segal, Stanhope, Robinson, OH MY! Save the date for this classic Eastside gathering hosted by the American Alpine Club happening in Bishop, CA!
This year's event will feature a Friday showing of the Reel Rock Film Tour, featuring the worlds greatest climbing and adventure stories, at Mill Creek Station. On Saturday morning, join us for a free volunteer breakfast, a Buttermilk adopt-a-crag, a special high-line demo station hosted by Gibbon, and an open format bouldering competition! On Saturday evening there will be a big climber reception party at Mill Creek Station hosted by New Belgium Brewing Co. with food, drink, bonfires, silent auctions, raffles, high fives, and good times! We have a very special joint presentation by athletes Will Stanhope and Matt Segal and an industry raffle that will make your face melt. On Sunday, we have a very special private tour through Smoke's Rock Course in the Buttermilks led by Doug Robinson followed by a New Belgium private tasting at the foot of the mountains (space limited).
Final details and registration information will be arriving in your inbox shortly! Don't miss this one, folks!
November 30: Los Angeles, CA
Southwest Section Holiday Dinner
Join the tribe fore the annual get-together at Taix Restaurant in Los Angeles, CA. The guest speaker this year will be Mountain Hardwear athlete Freddie Wilkinson. An award winning alpinsit, mountaineer, and author, Freddie has established new hard routes the world across. He is the author of "One Mountain Thousand Summits: The Untold Story of Tragedy and True Heroism on K2." Details and registration information TBA.
About the Southwest Section:
You've received this email because you're part of the American Alpine Club's <http://americanalpineclub.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=60afa02764806293a37aacfda&id=8b20510a01&e=49344561f0> Southwest Section—one of four Sections in the <http://americanalpineclub.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=60afa02764806293a37aacfda&id=f75f300ec7&e=49344561f0> Western Region!
The Southwest Section of the American Alpine Club covers all of the fantastic Southern California and Southern Nevada climbing, including classic areas like Joshua Tree, Red Rocks, and Tahquitz. The Section hosts various climbing-related activities across the area, but primarily in the Los Angeles area.
On the Section's website, you'll find the latest blog posts, information about volunteers and volunteering, links to find Guidebooks for the Section, and contact information so you can get in touch!
<http://americanalpineclub.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=60afa02764806293a37aacfda&id=0132a8680e&e=49344561f0> Visit the Southwest Webpage <mailto:southwest at americanalpineclub.org> Email the Southwest Section <http://americanalpineclub.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=60afa02764806293a37aacfda&id=da0db6a642&e=49344561f0> Benefits in the West
Climbers/participants have the duty at all times to climb, camp and/or participate in social events in a manner that avoids injury to themselves and others. YOU WILL BE CLIMBING, PARTICIPATING AND/OR SOCIALIZING AT YOUR OWN RISK ; neither AAC nor the Section leaders will be instructing/guiding, checking equipment, monitoring social activities or providing emergency response. PARTICIPANTS ACCEPT ALL LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY AND/OR LIABILITY FOR INJURY OR DEATH OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND TO THEMSELVES, TO OTHERS AND TO PROPERTY.
Copyright © 2013 The American Alpine Club, All rights reserved.
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<mailto:info at americanalpineclub.org?subject=AAC%20Contact%20From%20MailChimp> info at americanalpineclub.org
(303) 384-0110
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