[CMCEmail] AAC SWS Special Event August 10

CMCEmail@Californiamountaineer.com cmcemail at californiamountaineer.com
Fri Aug 10 15:49:10 EDT 2012

Southwest Section Banner

August 10th Event

Buried in the Sky Slideshow

Friday, August 10th, 2012, at 7 pm.

Adventure 16, West Los Angeles

Amanda Padoan will be speaking about her new book Buried in the Sky and the
role of Sherpas in High Alltitude climbing. She focuses on the tragic events
on K2 in 2008 and the role of Chhiring Sherpa. Chhiring will also be present
to answer question. Its an excellent presentation!

Jim Pinter-Lucke
Southwest Section Chair
The American Alpine Club

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