[CharterSchools] Einstein Charter School named as finalist for 2015 COSEBOC School Award

charterschools at LACharter.org charterschools at LACharter.org
Tue Mar 31 13:42:28 EDT 2015

March 31, 2015
Contact: Dan Davis, Einstein Development Director (504) 376.5080 or Heather Harper, ECCS Public Relations, (504) 897-6110
Einstein Charter School named as finalist for a
2015 COSEBOC School Award 
by the Coalition of Schools Educating Boys of Color (COSEBOC)
Einstein Charter School has been named as a finalist for a 2015 COSEBOC School Award by the Coalition of Schools Educating Boys of Color (COSEBOC). Einstein is one of nine finalists for the national award and the only Louisiana school.
The national award recognizes innovative education practices that achieve academic success and increase graduation rates among boys of color. Each year, COSEBOC invites schools nationwide to apply for the COSEBOC School Awards.  Winning schools demonstrate consistent success in educating boys and young men of color.  Applicants are rigorously reviewed for their student outcomes and the policies and practices that generated those outcomes.  
Einstein has a proven track record for supporting academic practices and highlighting successes in an open admissions public charter school, with a population consisting of 99% students of color. 
 “Einstein’s is incredibly proud of our student’s accomplishments,” said CEO Shawn Toranto. “In our community schools, every child will achieve academically and our mission is to cultivate self-motivated, confident and respectful learners. This award validates our hard work and progress and we thank COSEBOC for this recognition.”
Three of the finalists will be selected for the 2015 COSEBOC School Awards to be announced in April 2015 and honored at the 9th annual Gathering of Leaders in Memphis, Tennessee on April 23, 2015.  Each will receive a $10,000 unrestricted grant.  They will conduct workshops to share their successful strategies with other educators convening from around the country.  
Einstein Charter Schools operate a group of consistently high-performing, open admissions schools in New Orleans East. Einstein Charter School has been repeatedly recognized by the Louisiana Department of Education as a “Top Gains” school and “High Performing, High Poverty School” and by the Orleans Parish School Board as a “Top Performing” school.  Due to high demand, Einstein is expanding, beginning last year with a takeover of a failing public school. Einstein Charter is the first school in Louisiana history to turnaround a failing school to a “B” grade in only one year.  This success led to Einstein being granted the former Sarah Towles Reed Campus for further expansion of 500 students with a new independent middle school and high school in 2016. 
Einstein Charter Schools have one of the most diverse student bodies in the city and the largest English Language Learner populations, with 35 percent of its students in an ELL program. Einstein charter schools are open admission charter schools authorized by the Orleans Parish School Board. 
More information about the school and its mission can be found on the school’s website, www.einsteincharter.org

The Brylski Company
(504) 897-6110
3418 Coliseum Street
New Orleans, Louisiana 70115
Cheron Brylski • Heather Harper • 
Devin Johnson • Jonathan Barnes

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