charterschools at LACharter.org charterschools at LACharter.org
Tue Mar 10 11:25:38 EDT 2015

Dueto the resignation of former District 1 School Board Member Ira Thomas, the OrleansParish School Board (OPSB) will receive Letters of Interest from qualifiedindividuals seeking to fill the District 1 seat on an interim basis.  To be a school board member the personmust be at least 18 years old, a resident in Louisiana for the preceding twoyears and domiciled for the preceding year in the district to which he or sheis being appointed. [La. R.S. 17:52(E)].
Pursuantto OPSB Policy A108, OPSB has ten (10) days in which to fill the vacancycreated by Mr. Thomas’ resignation, or the Governor will appoint a person tofill the vacancy.  Therefore, theOPSB at its March 17, 2015 Board Business Meeting will appoint a qualifiedperson to fill the vacant District 1 School Board seat on an interim basisuntil a Special Election is called to fill the unexpired term of IraThomas.  
Allinterested persons must submit a Letter of Interest by Thursday, March 12,2015, 12:00 noon. Letters of Interest should be addressed to Board President Seth Bloom,and, hand- delivered to the OPSB Board Office, 3520 General de Gaulle Drive,Suite 5055, New Orleans, Louisiana 70114. In addition to the Letter ofInterest, all persons must also submit a resume’ and an Affidavit ofQualifications [consistent with La. R.S. 17:52(E)]. A copy of a currentLouisiana Driver’s License (or other official Louisiana identification) must beattached.
Althoughnot mandatory, interested persons may also submit with their Letter of Interesta short Vision Statement responding to the following three questions: 1) Whatis your vision for public education in New Orleans? 2) What in your experiencebest qualifies you for this interim appointment?  3) In your opinion, what does a “quality” school districtlook like?   


Cheron Brylski
The Brylski Company
3418 Coliseum Street
New Orleans, Louisiana 70115
(504) 897-6110
FX (504) 897-0778
Cell (504) 460-1468

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