[CharterSchools] Charter School Funding on the Line: Email Congress Today!

charterschools at LACharter.org charterschools at LACharter.org
Wed Mar 4 16:50:05 EST 2015


Charter school funding is on the line and we need your help!
 Now is our best chance to get funding for new and expanding charter schools. The president demonstrated his commitment to charter schools by asking for $375 million, but we need you to do your part. 
With $375 million, we could open more than a thousand new charter schools each year. With 1 million names on charter school waiting lists, that would go a long way toward ending the wait for those families.
 As Congress determines the future of public education in the United States, we need your help to tell them that our children deserve choices in education. Email Congress today and ask them to support the Charter Schools Program.
We need every supporter to reach out to Congress. Our nation’s children can’t wait.
 Thank you for your support,
 Nina Rees
 President & CEO
 The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools
Copyright © 2015 National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, All rights reserved.
 1101 15th Street NW, Suite 1010  |  Washington, D.C. 20005
 About the National Alliance  |  Donate  |  

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