charterschools at LACharter.org charterschools at LACharter.org
Fri Nov 14 16:46:53 EST 2014


November 15, 2014                        Contact:C. Brylski (504) 897-6110
The Louisiana Association ofPublic Charter Schools (LAPCS) and seven Type 2 charter schools won an initialvictory in the 19th Judicial District Court of East Baton Rouge whenJudge Wilson Fields denied requests by the Louisiana Association of Educatorsand the Iberville Parish School Board to immediately strip 33 charterschools of their Minimum Foundation Program (MFP) funding and threaten theirclosure as of November 15. 
“The Court today acted in the best interest of public education,”said LAPCS Director Caroline Roemer Shirley. “This is a significant, butultimately small victory. We have protected 33 charters and their funding fornow, but the attack on the 13,000 Louisiana children who attend those schoolsand their right to attend the public school of their choice is far from over.”
A trial is set for December 5 on the substance of both cases filedby the Louisiana Association of Educators and Iberville Parish SchoolBoard against the Louisiana State BESE and the State Department of Education.
“As long as there are parties out there that work to put theselfish interest of adults above the needs of our public school children, wewill fight them,” said Director Shirley Roemer. “And every dollar they spend isone less dollar Louisiana’s children have in the classroom. We reiterate: Stoplitigating; start educating.
"The suits filed by theunions and Iberville school system would limit school choice statewide, erodinga parent’s right to decide what is best for their child’s education," saidLAPCS Director Roemer Shirley.
 Joining the LAPCS inprotecting the charters are Community School for Apprenticeship Learning, Inc.;Lake Charles Charter Academy Foundation, Inc.; the International School ofLouisiana; New Orleans Military and Maritime Academy, Inc.; the Delta CharterGroup; Delhi Charter School; and Glencoe Education Foundation, Inc.  They seek to defend fundingfor approximately 13,000 public charter school students at 33 Type 2 publiccharter schools across the state. 
Louisiana has been ranked byNational Alliance of Public Charter Schools as having the second strongestcharter movement in the nation, and the third strongest charter school lawbecause it provides multiple pathways to authorization of charter schools and fullfunding for charter schools. The reports also note thatthe state's charter schools, as a whole, showed higher academic growth whencompared to traditional public schools.
The mission of the Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schoolsis to support, promote, and advocate for the Louisiana charter school movement,increasing student access to high quality public schools statewide. Find outmore at www.lacharterschools.org


Cheron Brylski
The Brylski Company
3418 Coliseum Street
New Orleans, Louisiana 70115
(504) 897-6110
FX (504) 897-0778
Cell (504) 460-1468

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Louisiana2010 at six.pairlist.net

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