[CharterSchools] Justice Sonia Sotomayor to speak to Einstein Charter School students

charterschools at LACharter.org charterschools at LACharter.org
Tue Nov 11 10:37:40 EST 2014

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Justice Sonia Sotomayor to speak to Einstein Charter School students

What: JusticeSonia Sotomayor, S.C.O.T.U.S., will speak to students at Einstein CharterSchool in a special teleconference. Justice Sotomayor intends to give a talk and then answer questions fromstudents.  She will speak about herlife story, deliver words of empowerment and briefly discuss the role of theSupreme Court of the United States in government.
“We are thrilled that Justice Sotomayor will be speakingto our students at Einstein Charter School.  Her accomplishments, passion and lifestory are an inspiration to all.” said Shawn Toranto, C.E.O., Einstein CharterSchool.  “We are deeply honored byher genuine interest in our students and grateful she is lending us her time.”
When:  Monday, November 17, 2014, 2:00pm – 3:00 pm.
Where: EinsteinCharter School, 5100 Cannes St, NewOrleans, LA 70129.
Contact: The school invites members of themedia to take part in this special event. For more information, contact Dan Davis at 504.324.7450 or daniel_davis at einsteincharter.org.
Background: Themission of Einstein Charter School is to promote academic excellence inteaching and learning through the integration of mathematics and science ininterdisciplinary curricula and to promote the ideals and habits of lifelonglearning among all stakeholders. Founded in 2005, Einstein Charter School is a top preforming, tuitionfree, open-admissions PreK-8 elementary school with two campuses in New OrleansEast. Authorized by the Orleans Parish School Board, we service the educationsneeds of approximately 1,000 students, 35% of whom receive ELL services.  Since opening in 2006, Einstein has amassedsix years of unprecedented, academic gains, removing the school from theseverely underperforming list and earning us statewide recognition as a “B”school for the first time in 2012. 
Formore information: visit http://www.einsteincharter.org.

                                  Einstein + Einstein Extension
An Equation for Excellence in New Orleans East
5100 Cannes Street | New Orleans, LA 70129 | (504)324-7450 | Fax (504) 254-4121| www.einsteincharter.org


The Brylski Company
(504) 897-6110
3418 Coliseum Street
New Orleans, Louisiana 70115
Cheron Brylski • Heather Harper • Devin Johnson

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