[CharterSchools] ReNEW Charter Schools 3rd Annual Future Takes Flight this Week

charterschools at LACharter.org charterschools at LACharter.org
Mon Nov 10 16:06:20 EST 2014

 3128 Constance Street • New Orleans • LA • 70115 • www.renewschools.org

 For Immediate Release:
Contact: Brooke Gershman
Marketing Manager, ReNEW Schools
(504) 230-4352* brooke at renewschools.org
Tickets on sale now at www.renewschools.org/ftf

 Saucy's BBQ, Acme Oyster House, Atchafalaya Restaurant (and many more restaurants) come together to support ReNEW Charter Schools 3rd Annual Future Takes Flight to Benefit Low-Income Students’ College Visits in April

Thursday, November 13, 2014 at the Arbor Room in City Park
 Hosted by Harold and Carol Asher, Honorary Co-Chairs
 Sponsored by Grey Goose

 New Orleans, LA – For over 3,200 ReNEW students across the city, college is on their minds. The students set their sights on earning college diplomas by participating in end-of-year college-focused field studies sponsored by ReNEW. The goal of the field studies is to expand the students’ scope of opportunities post-graduation. On college visits across the country, students will partake in admissions sessions, meet with financial aid officers, tour dorm rooms, and grasp firsthand that college is more than an idea; rather it is a real, tangible opportunity for the future.

Understanding that the majority of ReNEW’s students have never traveled outside the city of New Orleans, these field studies grant a tremendous opportunity for students to have a truly extraordinary learning experience. This year, ReNEW is hosting its 3rd annual Future Takes Flight fundraiser to benefit these college visits and field studies. This event will be held at 12 Magnolia Drive at the Arbor Room in City Park on November 13, 2014 from 7:00-10:00pm. Tickets are $65.

This year’s event highlights include:
Handcrafted Cocktails and Spirits by Grey Goose vodka, Bombay Sapphire, Dewar’s and Bacardi, and beer provided by Abita
Live music by Louisiana Spice Jazz Orchestra
Raffle Items such as Florida Beach Vacation for up to 6 people, TandemBike, River House Staycation, French Quarter Staycation; Taste of New Orleans (numerous restaurant gift certificates), Fishing Charter for up to 4 people, and many more.
Over 12 stationed restaurants, providing savory bites and samples of city favorites
For more information on the 3rd Annual Future Takes Flight, chaired by Harold and Carol Asher, please contact Brooke Gershman, Marketing Manager.

 ReNEW Schools will provide a rigorous, college preparatory education to historically underserved PK-12 students.

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