[CharterSchools] Lusher Charter School hosts Open Houses for Grades K-12
charterschools at LACharter.org
charterschools at LACharter.org
Tue Nov 4 11:07:53 EST 2014
Lusher Charter School, located in Uptown NewOrleans, will host open houses for prospective students and their parents tohighlight its K-12 arts-integration, inquiry-based approach to education.
Lower School Open Houses for incomingKindergarten students will be held on Friday, November 14 from 9:00 am – 11:00am at the Lower School Campus at 7315 Willow St. Open House for grades 1-5 willfollow from 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm at the Lower School. Contact Becky Bell at (504) 593-8275for information about the Lower School.
The Middle and High School Open House forstudents in grades 6-12 will be held Thursday, November 20, 6:00 pm at Lusher’sFortier Campus, 5624 Freret St. in the Atlantic Bridge Gymnasium (between the schooland the football field). Call Jenny Cromer at (504) 304-3961 for moreinformation about Middle/High School.
For more information or to download anapplication, go to www.lusherschool.org.
The mission of Lusher Charter Schools is toprovide a developmentally appropriate learning environment in which highacademics, comprehensive arts education, and the celebration of individualityand diversity enable each student to achieve as a learner, a person and avaluable member of our society. Lusher Charter Schools do not discriminate onthe basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in the administration ofeducational policies.
The Brylski Company
(504) 897-6110
3418 Coliseum Street
New Orleans, Louisiana 70115
Cheron Brylski • Heather Harper • Devin Johnson
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