[COG email blast] [Fwd: Haiti Update]

info at bpcog.org info at bpcog.org
Sat Jan 30 13:24:59 EST 2010

Please see the Haiti update below.

-------------------- Original Message --------------------
Subject: Haiti Update
From: "Church World Service" <info at churchworldservice.org>
Date: Thu, January 28, 2010 12:45 pm
To: info at bpcog.org

A message from Church World Service


"We are thankful for our brothers and sisters in Christ
who have not forgotten about us. We are still treating
many of the injured and sick and we are feeding them and
giving them water."
- Pastor Herode Guillaumettre, director, CWS partner
Christian Center for Integrated Development

Dear Friend,

As you know, the people of Haiti face a daunting task as
they care for the injured and grieving, and ultimately
seek to rebuild their lives following the devastating
earthquake of January 12. With long established
partnerships in the country, Church World Service is hard
at work to support them in that process.

**Emergency supplies**

To help meet emergency needs, Church World Service is
providing basic supplies for quake survivors. Deliveries
began within the first 24 hours. Among the supplies being
provided in the CWS and ACT Alliance effort are CWS Kits
and Blankets, tents, medical supplies, food and water.
For example, over 11,000 CWS Hygiene Kits have already
arrived. More are on the way as churches and community
groups across the United States have organized to assemble
more of these desperately needed items.

Food and supply distribution points supported in part by
CWS have been established in five sites, with the hub of
the distribution network in Petionville.

**Medicine boxes**

Church World Service is also providing 60 medicine boxes
to address the ongoing desperate medical needs of
survivors in Port-au-Prince. Each Interchurch Medical
Assistance medicine box contains essential medicines and
medical supplies to treat the routine ailments of about
1,000 adults and children for up to two months.

**Coalition effort**

Church World Service, working in collaboration with Action
by Churches Together Alliance, is constructing temporary
water systems, providing water purification materials,
tents and food packages. Long-term CWS work will
focus on food security.

**Services to people with disabilities**

CWS is also expanding work with people with disabilities
in Port-au-Prince in concert with our partner Service
Chretien d'Haiti (SCH). As SCH executive
director Ernst Abraham notes, people with disabilities
face particular challenges at this moment: "There is much
to do in Port-au-Prince to guarantee that persons with
disabilities are getting their needs met. They are not
able to go and stand in the large distribution or water
lines to get aid from organizations that do not go to
them. Our distribution is very different in that we are
personally delivering the kits, food and water by our
staff and trained volunteers." Some 2,500 people are
being assisted in this effort.

**Commitment to long-term recovery**

Church World Service is committed to accompanying the
Haitian people in the long, arduous process of recovery.
While many buildings crumbled in the earthquakes, the
resilience and creativity of the people of Haiti remains
strong. The hope of the Haitian people is summed up by
Herode Guillaumettre, director of CWS partner Christian
Center for Integrated Development: "I am not afraid
anymore. I have survived the worst disaster in the
history of Haiti and I am alive..."

It is our privilege to walk shoulder-to-shoulder and
heart-to-heart with the people of Haiti as they recover
from this tragic event. Thank you for your support of
this critical work.

--Some of you have asked, "What can I do?"--

* Spread the word via:
Facebook -
Twitter - www.twitter.com/CWS_CROP

* Enlist your friends, family and congregation to
assemble CWS Kits:
Hygiene Kits -
Baby Care Kits -

* Additional donations are urgently needed.

* Advocate for the people of Haiti, urging cancellation
of their
foreign debt.

* Set up your own fundraising page to support the work of
World Service.

* Keep up with the latest developments
(www.churchworldservice.org/haitiquake) and use our
worship resources in your congregation to pray for the
people of Haiti.

P.S. The IRS has announced that cash donations for Haiti
earthquake relief made after Jan. 11, 2010, and before
March 1, 2010, may be claimed as donations on your 2009
tax return. You must itemize your deductions to qualify
for this special tax provision. For more information
consult your tax advisor or visit

Church World Service | 800-297-1516 | P.O. Box 968 | 28606
Street | Elkhart, IN 46515

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This service is provided by the Worship, Membership and
Evangelism Committee. Please spread the word to those who
may not have email.
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