[COG email blast] URGENT: Hygiene kits for Haiti

info at bpcog.org info at bpcog.org
Tue Jan 19 10:11:33 EST 2010


As of this weekend, the death toll from Haiti's earthquake
could be between 45,000 and 50,000, with a further three
million people hurt or homeless and the number keeps
rising daily.

Hygiene kits are desperately needed – they are made up
of the items listed below. Women's Fellowship will be
assembling the Hygiene Kits after the Potato Luncheon
this Sunday - January 24. Please bring as many of
the following items as you can - or complete some
hygiene kits on your own. We have some one gallon
Ziploc bags - but could use a few more. Presbyterian
Disaster Relief also requests $2 per bag for shipping.
We have already received a few donations towards this
expense - but anything you do - be it the items listed
below, or a donation - will be greatly appreciated.
Many hands make light work. Please call Eve Space if
you need further information.
Even though Toothpaste is not part of the Hygiene Kit
- We have heard that Toothpaste is being requested to
aid Haiti survivors by placing it under their nose so
they can breathe something refreshing. Hygiene kits
do not get to their destination right away and
Toothpaste carries an expiration date so Presbyterian
Disaster Relief will add Toothpaste to these kits just
before they are shipped out. If you would like to
donate Toothpaste, please do so, we will be sure they
are packaged separately and marked specifically for

New items needed for hygiene kits:
* One hand towel measuring approximately 16" x 28" (no
fingertip or bath towels)
* One washcloth
* One wide-tooth comb
* One nail clipper (no metal files or emery boards)
* One bar of soap (bath size in wrapper)
* One individually wrapped toothbrush
* Band-Aids®

Thank you for your assistance on this very important

This service is provided by the Worship, Membership and
Evangelism Committee. Please spread the word to those who
may not have email.

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